Research & Education

“What if we reframed living with uncertainty to navigating mystery?”

~ Martin Shaw, Author & Mythologist

As participatory scientists and educators, research offers us a set of tools to explore and sense into the possibilities of what collective wellbeing means as a foundation for intentional action. In particular, we are enthusiasts of The Presencing Institute and Theory U, along with related practices and approaches that center the collective experience of people within systems as the primary drivers of change. 

Our Work

Mapping Collective Wellbeing Project

Putting our tools to use, we recently completed a study with our colleagues at Civic Wellbeing Partners that mapped connections between individuals and organizations across sectors - and across the globe - that work to address collective wellbeing in various ways. The Mapping Collective Wellbeing site is intended to spark conversation, raise awareness of shared issues within the wellbeing system, and advance opportunities for a path forward. The interconnected web of themes, relationships, and learnings found on the site emerged from a process of 80 stakeholder interviews and a review of hundreds of resources and organizations.

We're exploring opportunities to share and expand on our learnings. In the meantime, we would love to hear from you! Let us know what you think about the site and/or ways this research can support your wellbeing initiatives.

Virtual Learning Events 

In turn, education supports us to live the question: “What would it look like - and how would it feel - to center wellbeing in everything we do, and all that we are?” Through our annual Collective Wellbeing Summit and other ongoing virtual learning events, we welcome the international community of wellbeing stewards to participate in conversations around topics such as wellbeing economies, the intersection of racial equity and wellbeing, and wellbeing and business. By hosting educational offerings, we’re able to share findings from our research and practice and to learn from the experiences of others.

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