Annual Collective Wellbeing Summit

We believe that wellbeing provides a way forward that reflects the interrelated nature of social equity, ecological sustainability, and human development. And that ultimately, as individuals and as a society, we are attempting to find meaning, an opportunity to fulfill our highest potential, and create cultures and systems that support wellbeing for all. The Collective Wellbeing Summit provides us with the opportunity to come together and learn from one another so that we can be inspired and find ways to incorporate the different aspects of collective wellbeing in our own communities.

Here you can enjoy recordings of some of the presentations from our past Summits. After watching the videos, hop over to our Little Library and scroll down to find resources shared during the Summit.

2022 Collective Wellbeing Summit: Collective Wellbeing at Work Videos

Wellbeing Offering: Short Yoga Practice by Keena Atkinson - 2022 Collective Wellbeing Summit

The 4 Day Work Week: Increasing Sustainability, Equity, Wellbeing, and Productivity by Joe O'Connor - 2022 Collective Wellbeing Summit

No Bosses Here: Creating Non Hierarchical Organizations by Mike Lee - 2022 Collective Wellbeing Summit

Emergent Futures Funding: The Intersection of the Unknown, Collective Wellbeing, and Possibility by Cassie Robinson - 2022 Collective Wellbeing Summit

32-Hour Work Week by Congressman Mark Takano - 2022 Collective Wellbeing Summit

The Power of Stories and Storytelling in Creating a Culture of Collective Wellbeing by Alejandro Miranda Cruz - 2022 Collective Wellbeing Summit

2021 Collective Wellbeing Summit Videos

Prioritizing the Wellbeing of Black Women for Community Wellbeing by Alia Stevenson - Collective Wellbeing Summit 2021

Love and Wellbeing as the Foundation for a Successful Business by Miguel Aguilar - Collective Wellbeing Summit 2021

A Vision for Wellbeing Policies and Action in the United States by Julie Rusk, Catalina Langen, and Linda Vakunta - Collective Wellbeing Summit 2021

Emotional-Social Intelligence as Facets of Employee Wellbeing by Malynn Utzinger and Tim Weitzel - Collective Wellbeing Summit 2021

Financial Capital is Fundamental for Collective Wellbeing by Wendy K. White Eagle - Collective Wellbeing Summit 2021